April 4, 2009

Gorgeous Day for our 5th MS WALK

Trenten is one tired little runner!!
Finish Line!! Trenten with his new Oh Boy Oberto truck & hydro plane.
Tears ((of joy?? of exhaustion??)) at the finish line.
Thomas with Allison & Trenten throwing rocks into the lake at the final leg of lap 2.
The Momma's pushing the strollers, Heidi & Erin, third time walking together with Allison and Trenten.
Heidi & Erin pushing Trenten & Allison
Milton Team rounding lap 2
Milton Team 2nd lap
Trenten & Thomas finishing 1st lap

Trenten at the beginning. Serious, he ran the ENTIRE 1st lap.
Tamie Z ~ MS Walk Captain. She walks for her mom, as we all do too.
Milton Team awaiting our 2009 Team photo before the walk.
Thomas & Trenten running around the lake - 1st lap
Trenten leaping over a hole - Beginning of Walk

"Come on Momma, let's go"

Trenten running from the START
Milton Family ~ 2009 ~ MS WALK

It was 36 degrees when we woke up this morning. Many things, if not everything, was frosted over. I was up at 6:30 to get ready to meet the Milton Fire Family at the Steilacom Park in Lakewood for our Team 5th Walk.
This was a new location for the Tacoma MS Association. It has been held at the Pt Defiance Park & Zoo since Thomas and I have joined the group in 2005. Why it was moved, I am not sure. I hope it is NOT at this location for 2010 as it wasn't the best walk around the lake with the ruts, holes, rocks, and absolute confusion regarding parking.
That shared, the day was (and still is as I type) SUNNY & GORGEOUS. It's 57 degrees outside right now, really warm for Washington, and Thomas is out moving the lawn. So it warmed up from 36 this morning.
I have our team photos as well as some great ones of Trenten RUNNING the entire first lap around the lake. We caught up with Thomas and the Team so Thomas ran the rest of the way with Trenten. The second lap, Trenten opted for the stroller.... hee hee smart momma here knew I needed to bring it.
Music was provided by 92.5FM MOVIN'. Oh Boy Oberto was there again with balloons, lollipops and beef jerky. Delicious. There was more water, bananas, and OF COURSE!!!! STARBUCKS!!!! They were there last year and BLESS them, there again this year. They were serving up FREE Vanilla Lattes. You can bet the momma here had SEVERAL. Delicious.
We did the walk is great time. Even had time for Ally and Trenten, 3rd year veterans, to stop and toss some stones into the lake.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your support, your encouragement, and faith is us for our 5th year. Trenten raised $570 as of our walk today. Our goal was $500. Your donations are humbling and always grateful and a blessing.
Please enjoy a few of the photos from today!
Stay turned for links to an interview Tamie & I did regarding "Why We Walk Bringing Awareness to MS" with www.thewhisperofserpents.com ((author A. Lawrence Haskins.com available on Amazon.com)) as well as photos from 92.5FM MOVIN radio station http://www.movin925.com/ , as well as http://www.teamphotogenic.com/ who took our group and some individual photos as well. This is the FIRST TIME EVER we've had that many photos of us n all 5 years of our walks. Glad the word is getting out there. Awareness and research is what it takes to get MS under control for a cure. We will walk til there is a cure!!
Love to you all

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